sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Para practicar

Esta entrada va dirigida a aquellos que quieran trabajar la primera parte del 'Writing'.
TIP (consejo): es importante comprender correctamente el significado de las oraciones para superar este ejercicio con éxito.
*Entre paréntesis voy identificando la parte de gramática a la que hace referencia cada apartado. Es una costumbre muy recomendable.

1. His friend has a similar one. (Gramática básica)
    A friend ........... has a similar one.
2. She was given that watch by his brother. (Pasiva)
    Her brother ........... that watch.
3. I think he should get some rest. (Modales)
    I think ........ to get some rest.
4. They both like basketball more than football. (Comparaciones, gustos)
    They both prefer ....... football    
5. The chemist's is near my home. (Gramática básica, y además, un caso muy frecuente)
    The chemist's is not ...... my home.
6. The museum opens in April and closes in October. (Gramática básica)
    The museum is open from ...... October.
7. Mary last went to Madrid four years ago. (Tiempos verbales)
    Mary ....... to Madrid for four years.

1. of his
2. gave her
3. he ought
4. basketball to
5. far from
6. April to
7. hasn't been

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